
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Selling a Business

Selling a business is a difficult but exciting decision to make. If you’ve had a successful run for a good number of years and you truly believe it’s time to move on, you could consider selling your business. However, there are plenty of things you’ll have to do before, during, and after your company sale. […]


3 Strategies To Consider Before Selling Your Service Sector Business

Over the last few decades, the U.S. economy has undergone a fundamental shift towards a service based economy. And while manufacturing will always be an integral part of the country’s financial output, in the 21st Century, companies that focus on services such as marketing, healthcare, and information technology are more important than ever. With each […]


3 Signs That Might Show It’s Time to Sell Your Business

Knowing when it’s time to say goodbye to a business you’ve built from the ground up is tough. Business mergers could be tempting, but when it’s time to go, it’s time to go. According to’s Insight Report, almost 7,842 businesses were sold in 2016 alone! If those numbers tell you anything, it’s that business […]


5 (More) Mistakes To Avoid When Selling Your Business

Choosing to sell your business is a significant decision, and by putting years of work into another person’s hands, there are quite a few details to account for. Fortunately, there is a market to sell businesses. At any given time, there are an average of 15 prospective buyers for every 1 business on the market. […]

Aberdeen Advisors M&A: business men shaking hands

Unwilling To Sell Your Business? Consider a Merger

The top three challenges of running a business, according to a report by the National Association of Small Businesses, are as follows: the cost of health insurance benefits, a decline in customer spending, and economic uncertainty. In the age of a fluctuating economy, it’s particularly a sense of economic uncertainty that can lead to the […]

Aberdeen Advisors M&A: Business Process Checklist

4 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Sell Side Broker

Selling your business can be a stressful experience, especially when you’ve spent a lifetime building it. There is a myriad of concerns, best practices, and other issues that need to be addressed when selling even the smallest business. Often times, business owners can be overwhelmed with all that is involved around selling their business, which […]

Aberdeen Advisors M&A: Business evaluation

Understanding the Difference Between Current and Long-Term Liabilities

When you’re looking to buy or sell a business in Florida, current and long-term liabilities are two crucial factors you need to look at. But before you can look at them in a way that will benefit your financial planning efforts, you need to understand what they are and how each of them differs. Here’s […]